La Grande Dame
First shown in: FORUM BOX, Helsinki, Finland, 26 September – 19 October 2003
In her latest works, Anne Koskinen turns to grand emotions and dreams. The exhibition tells about the things that can happen on a journey with someone else. Let La grande dame intoxicate you.
Works on show:
- ”La grande dame”, installation, watercolour, 15 parts, car parts incl. fender, lights etc., on the floor, 2003
- ”DEUS PROTECTOR NOSTER, 08.08.2003, 13.32 – 10.08.2003, 06.30, Pori-Orivesi (VYF–469 turned right into Onnistaipaleentie road, skidding immediately into the left-hand ditch of the road)”, insects, sand, wood rubbed on piece of paper fixed on the front fender of the car (distance travelled 221 km, mileage allowance €0.39), total cost €86.19 and scrapped pieces of car €2,324.20, 2003